Searching the small joys
I have just come back home from master class and my mood is pretty strange. From my perspective, this curriculum is dulled and useless but there is a good thing in this course. It’s the subject named “Distribute Systems”. Luckily for me, it’s kind of an academical area links to my job now, as a back-end developer.
I have a presentation today about “Lock and Deadlock problems”, it’s quite good. I’ve spent many time on it, even the crowd didn’t care about that too much but Mr.Thang (my teacher, who has a special story, may be I will tell you later) loved it and appreciated my efforts. Or at least he paid enough attention to give me some questions. After class, I eventually surfed Instagram, even though I myself hate the way people spend all of their concentration on their phones. Opening Instagram, the first thing appeared were 'stories' of my with her current boyfriend ex and they were having dinner.
Flashing back to the time we broke up, I found a new way to watch all other’s Instagram story without marked as ‘seen’ the story. And I implemented it very well. *chuckles*. Stalking someone is bad, I know. About the above thing, after her thought, I didn’t even know that what I was thinking. I have taken many attempts to forget that, to find the true love and now, I found it!
Riding back home, seeing every one side by side then calculating, more than 80% of people having their partner in the back seat, unless they ride together. But for me, I have a backpack, loyalty partner :) I thought a lot and now, after drink a sip of handmade (by myself, teehee) detox water combined of pineapple and plum. I just want to sit down, stop any other activities (including dinner) and write this, to cool down, to think again, to take a deep breath before accidentally messing everything up.
It may go too far from the title, “the little joys”, one of my classmate told me that my slides are too cute for the master level after I complained her that her slides are too ugly :)) I love cute things. I think that, life is bored (sometimes). Everyday, disgusted, terrible things come. Why can’t we just embrace these small things become our happiness. Finding out something positive in work and study may be the best thing I have done to my life right now.
Keep doing your best!
PS: My Software Quality Assurance assignment is due tomorrow, but for now, sitting down and having a peaceful dinner before doing homework would be the best.